Friday, July 9, 2010

Going Natural

Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies.  WikiAnswers says "Skin is the largest organ of the body because it actually breathes and can absorb many things (good/bad.)  Most people don't realize this and we must be careful what we put on our skin such as lotions, etc.   Don't be afraid to check out the labels and if you can't pronounce it don't buy it!" 

It is incredible when we think about how many unnatural, chemical products bombard our skin every day:
Shampoo, soap, deodorant, moisturisers, lip balm, make-up, hair dye, mousse, dishwash liquid, household cleaners, airborne chemicals such as air freshener, etc, etc.

In the past several years, but more so in the last few months, I have been researching and experimenting with natural, homemade products.  I wanted to reduce or eliminate the chemical cleaners and body products for a more healthy, natural lifestyle, while also reducing my shopping spending.   I have been delighted that the natural products I have been using are so economical, and easy to make.  At first I was skeptical that they would not be as effective, but I have been completely satisfied with the results, not to mention fascinated, and maybe even addicted to this growing passion.